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Knock-Down Rebuild
Shine Building

When the location is great, but the house is beyond repair or renovation, knock it down and build anew.
Shine Building are highly experienced in safely and efficiently knocking-down old homes to make way for newer, modern and more energy efficient homes.
In many cases a Knock-Down Rebuild will be more cost-effective than trying to renovate an existing home if the design changes are significant or the existing dwelling requires a lot of repair.
With older homes there can be unusual wiring, plumbing or hidden damage that is only discovered once demolition works commence and contingencies must be allowed for in order to continue work.
A great benefit of knocking down and rebuilding is that you can design the home from scratch, building it exactly as you want it and every component of the home will be brand new on completion with all warranties intact.
If we were able to provide 6 out of 5 stars we would – the professionalism and simplicity was fantastic throughout the design, plans, colours, fixtures and construction phases all the way to handover...
- Tristan & Jess Hamson
Sunshine Coast Builders for 25 Years
Not Convinced?
The benefits of a knock-down rebuild:
- You can design everything to your own specifications, you’re not limited by the infrastructure.
- The finished product can be more energy efficient and more adaptable to new and emerging technology.
- Less risk compared to an extensive renovation; no hidden nasties to uncover when you knock it all down!
- Everything is new and under warranty.
Depending on where you live there will be regulations, planning and approvals to consider, all of which Shine Building can support you with.
If you’re not sure whether a renovation or knock-down rebuild is right for you, book an obligation-free coffee consultation with Steve Meredith to talk through your options and opportunities.